The new Netflix movie "Nowhere" is a dystopian thriller about a pregnant woman who is trapped in a shipping container and must fight for her survival. The film is directed by Alberto Rodríguez and stars Anna Castillo and Tamar Novas.
If you're interested in watching "Nowhere," here's everything you need to know:
How to Watch:
"Nowhere" is currently streaming on Netflix in all regions. To watch, simply log in to your Netflix account and search for the film.
What to Expect:
"Nowhere" is a dark and suspenseful film that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Anna Castillo gives a powerful performance as the pregnant woman who is trapped in the shipping container. The film is also visually stunning, with some truly breathtaking shots.
- Nowhere Netflix
- Watch Nowhere Netflix
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- Nowhere movie cast
- Nowhere movie trailer
- Dystopian thriller movies
- Netflix thriller movies
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