Pain Hustlers is an upcoming American crime drama film directed by David Yates and written by Wells Tower. The film stars Emily Blunt as a high-school dropout who becomes a pharmaceutical saleswoman and creates a fake company to sell a new painkiller. The film also stars Wes Bentley, Vicent D'Onofrio, and Jon Bernthal.
The film is set in the early 2000s and follows Liza Drake (Blunt), a high-school dropout who becomes a pharmaceutical saleswoman. Liza is a natural salesperson and quickly rises through the ranks of her company. She eventually creates a fake company to sell a new painkiller that she claims is a miracle cure. The drug is actually very dangerous, but Liza is able to convince doctors and patients to use it.
The film's cast is also very impressive. Emily Blunt is one of the most talented actresses working today, and she is sure to give a great performance in Pain Hustlers. Wes Bentley, Vicent D'Onofrio, and Jon Bernthal are all also excellent actors, and they will add a lot of depth to the film.
Pain Hustlers is scheduled to be released in theaters on September 16, 2023.
How to Watch:
Pain Hustlers will be released in theaters on September 16, 2023. It will also be available to stream on Peacock 45 days after its theatrical release.
Pain Hustlers is an upcoming film that looks to be a must-see for fans of crime dramas. The film has a great cast, a compelling story, and it is sure to be a box office success. If you are looking for a new film to watch, be sure to check out Pain Hustlers when it is released in theaters on September 16, 2023.
- Pain Hustlers (2023)
- Emily Blunt
- Wes Bentley
- Vicent D'Onofrio
- Jon Bernthal
- Crime drama
- Pharmaceutical
- Saleswoman
- Fake company
- Miracle cure
- Dangerous drug
- Peacock