Katla is a new Icelandic thriller series that premiered on Netflix in June 2021. The show follows the residents of a small town near the Katla volcano, which has been erupting for over a year. As the volcano continues to spew ash and lava, strange and mysterious things begin to happen in the town. People who have been presumed dead start to reappear, and the locals begin to suspect that the volcano is somehow responsible.
The show is a dark and atmospheric mystery, with a strong focus on character development. The cast is excellent, and the show does a great job of capturing the beauty and danger of Iceland's natural landscape. If you're a fan of Nordic noir or supernatural thrillers, then you'll definitely want to check out Katla.
How to Watch:
Katla is available to stream on Netflix in most countries. You can also purchase the show on DVD or Blu-ray.
- Katla TV show
- Katla Netflix
- Icelandic thriller
- Supernatural thriller
- Nordic noir
- Volcano
- Ash
- Lava
- Mystery
- Suspense
- Character development
- Iceland
Katla is a well-made and suspenseful thriller that is sure to keep you hooked. If you're looking for a new show to watch, I highly recommend checking it out.