Warrior is a historical drama television series created by Jonathan Tropper and inspired by the writings of Bruce Lee. The series is set in San Francisco's Chinatown in the 1870s and follows the story of Ah Sahm, a young Chinese immigrant who arrives in the city with a dark past and a thirst for revenge.
Warrior has been praised for its action-packed fight scenes, its complex characters, and its historical accuracy. The series has also been a commercial success, with both seasons airing on Cinemax and then being picked up by Netflix for international distribution.
If you're a fan of martial arts, historical dramas, or just good TV, then you need to check out Warrior. The series is available to stream on Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and Vudu. You can also purchase the DVDs or Blu-rays on Amazon.
In addition to streaming and DVD/Blu-ray, Warrior is also available to watch on a few other platforms. You can catch the series on The Roku Channel, Max Amazon Channel, and Spectrum On Demand.
Warrior is a great show that's sure to entertain fans of all ages. Whether you're a fan of martial arts, historical dramas, or just good TV, you need to check it out.
- Warrior TV show
- How to watch Warrior
- Streaming Warrior
- DVD/Blu-ray Warrior
- Warrior on Netflix
- Warrior on Amazon Prime Video
- Warrior on Vudu
- Warrior on The Roku Channel
- Warrior on Max Amazon Channel
- Warrior on Spectrum On Demand