The Super Mario Bros. Movie is a 1993 American live-action/animated comedy film based on the Super Mario video game franchise. The film stars Bob Hoskins as Mario, John Leguizamo as Luigi, Dennis Hopper as King Koopa, and Samantha Mathis as Princess Daisy.
The film was a critical and commercial failure, but it has since gained a cult following. In 2023, a new Super Mario Bros. movie was released, starring Chris Pratt, Anya Taylor-Joy, and Charlie Day. This new film was a critical and commercial success, and it is now available to stream on several platforms.
How to Watch the Super Mario Bros. Movie
The original Super Mario Bros. Movie is available to stream on several platforms, including ROW8, Redbox., Vudu, Prime Video, and Apple TV. The new Super Mario Bros. Movie is available to stream on Netflix.
Where to Watch the Super Mario Bros. Movie
The original Super Mario Bros. Movie is available to watch in theaters, on DVD, and Blu-ray. The new Super Mario Bros. Movie is available to watch on Netflix.
Rating for the Super Mario Bros. Movie
The original Super Mario Bros. Movie is rated PG by the MPAA for mild violence and action. The new Super Mario Bros. Movie is rated PG for action and some rude humor.
Parents Guide for the Super Mario Bros. Movie
The original Super Mario Bros. Movie is a bit strange and may not be suitable for all kids. There is some mild violence and action, and some of the humor may be too adult for younger viewers. The new Super Mario Bros. Movie is more kid-friendly, but there is still some action and humor that may not be suitable for all children.
The Super Mario Bros. Movie is a cult classic that is now available to stream on several platforms. The new Super Mario Bros. Movie is a critical and commercial success that is also available to stream on Netflix. Whether you want to watch the original or the new movie, you can find it streaming today.
Keywords: Super Mario Bros. Movie, how to watch, where to watch, rating, parents guide, streaming, Netflix, ROW8, Redbox., Vudu, Prime Video, Apple TV