Nel regno di Napoli is a 1978 film by Werner Schroeter that tells the story of two siblings, Vittoria and Massimo, growing up in a poor neighborhood in Naples after World War II. The film is a powerful and moving portrait of a city and a people struggling to rebuild their lives after the war.
Nel regno di Napoli is a visually stunning film, with cinematography that captures the beauty and the grit of Naples. The film also features strong performances from the cast, particularly Cristina Donadio as Vittoria and Antonio Orlando as Massimo.
The film's story is one of loss, hope, and resilience. Vittoria and Massimo are both determined to escape the poverty of their childhood, but they face many challenges along the way. Vittoria becomes a flight attendant, while Massimo joins the Communist Party. Both siblings eventually find their way, but not without making sacrifices.
Nel regno di Napoli is a film that is both timely and timeless. It is a powerful reminder of the human capacity for both suffering and hope. The film is also a valuable historical document, providing a glimpse into a time and place that is often overlooked.
Nel regno di Napoli is a must-see film for anyone interested in Italian cinema, post-war history, or simply a good story. The film is beautifully made, powerfully acted, and emotionally resonant. It is a film that will stay with you long after you have seen it.
- nel regno di napoli
- werner Schroeter
- cristina donadio
- antonio orlando
- post-war naples
- italian cinema
- poverty
- hope
- resilience