Dwyane Wade Chooses Allen Iverson to Induct Him Into the Basketball Hall of Fame

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Dwyane Wade and Allen Iverson are two of the most iconic players in NBA history. Both guards were known for their incredible scoring ability, flashy dribbling skills, and competitive fire. They also had a close personal relationship, as Wade grew up idolizing Iverson.

In a recent interview, Wade announced that he has chosen Iverson to be his presenter when he is inducted into the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame next month. Wade said that Iverson was the "obvious choice" for him, as he was the player who inspired him to play basketball in the first place.

"Iverson was my idol growing up," Wade said. "He was the reason I wore No. 3, and he was the reason I wanted to be a basketball player. I'm so honored that he's going to be the one to induct me into the Hall of Fame."

Iverson was also honored to be chosen by Wade. "It's a great feeling to be able to induct Dwyane into the Hall of Fame," Iverson said. "He's one of the best players to ever play the game, and he's also a great friend. I'm so proud of everything he's accomplished."

Wade and Iverson faced off against each other 16 times during their careers, with each player winning eight games. However, their rivalry was always respectful, and they both developed a deep appreciation for each other's talents.

"Iverson was one of the toughest opponents I ever faced," Wade said. "But he was also one of the most exciting players to watch. He was a true original, and he'll always be one of my favorite players."

Wade and Iverson are both sure to be inducted into the Hall of Fame in their first year of eligibility. They are two of the greatest players of their generation, and their contributions to the game of basketball will be remembered for years to come.


  • Dwyane Wade
  • Allen Iverson
  • NBA
  • Miami Heat
  • Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame
  • Basketball
  • Philadelphia 76ers
  • LeBron James
  • induction
  • presenter
  • idol
  • rivalry
  • respect
  • appreciation
  • talent
  • generation
  • contributions
  • game

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