How to Watch Dr. Stone: The Complete Guide


Dr. Stone is a Japanese science fiction anime television series based on the manga series of the same name written by Riichiro Inagaki and illustrated by Boichi. The series follows Senku Ishigami, a brilliant high school student who is revived after 3,700 years of petrification by a mysterious green light. Senku sets out to rebuild civilization with the help of his friends and allies.

Dr. Stone is a popular anime series with a large and dedicated fan base. If you're looking to watch Dr. Stone, there are a few different ways to do it.

Streaming services:

Dr. Stone is available to stream on a number of different platforms, including:

  • Crunchyroll
  • Funimation
  • Hulu
  • Netflix
  • Amazon Prime Video

DVD and Blu-ray:

Dr. Stone is also available to purchase on DVD and Blu-ray. The complete series is available to purchase, or you can purchase individual seasons.

Theatrical release:

Dr. Stone has also had a theatrical release in some countries. The first movie, Dr. Stone: Stone Wars, was released in Japan in 2021. A second movie, Dr. Stone: Ryusui, is scheduled to be released in Japan in 2023.

No matter how you choose to watch it, Dr. Stone is a great anime series that is sure to entertain.


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