Ridley is a British police procedural drama in four standalone stories created and written by Paul Matthew Thompson, the creator of the police drama Vera, and Jonathan Fisher. It stars Adrian Dunbar as retired Detective Alex Ridley, who is lured back into service as a consultant detective when his former protégée, DI Carol Farman (Bronagh Waugh), needs help cracking a complex murder case.
The series has been praised for its strong cast, complex characters, and suspenseful storylines. It has also been a commercial success, with the first episode attracting over 6 million viewers in the UK.
Ridley is a well-made and engaging police procedural drama that is sure to appeal to fans of the genre. The series features strong performances from the cast, particularly Adrian Dunbar as Alex Ridley. Dunbar brings a quiet intensity to the role, and he is perfectly cast as the retired detective who is drawn back into the world of crime.
The supporting cast is also excellent, with Bronagh Waugh, Terence Maynard, and Georgie Glen all giving memorable performances. The characters are well-developed and believable, and the storylines are suspenseful and engaging.
One of the things that makes Ridley stand out from other police procedural dramas is its focus on character development. The series takes the time to explore the motivations of the characters, and it gives them a depth that is often lacking in other shows in the genre.
Another thing that makes Ridley special is its setting. The series is set in the North East of England, and the landscape provides a beautiful backdrop for the action. The series also does a good job of capturing the regional accents and dialects, which adds to the authenticity of the show.
Ridley is a well-made and engaging police procedural drama that is sure to appeal to fans of the genre. The series features strong performances from the cast, complex characters, and suspenseful storylines. If you are a fan of British crime drama, then you should definitely check out Ridley.
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