Weathering With You is a 2019 Japanese animated romantic fantasy film written and directed by Makoto Shinkai. It is the sequel to Shinkai's 2016 film Your Name. The film follows the story of Hodaka Morishima, a high school boy who runs away from home to Tokyo and meets Hina Amano, a girl who can manipulate the weather.
Weathering With You is a critically acclaimed film that has been praised for its animation, visuals, and story. It has won numerous awards, including the Japanese Academy Award for Animation of the Year. The film is also a commercial success, having grossed over $190 million worldwide.
If you're interested in watching Weathering With You, there are a few different ways to do so. The film is available to stream on Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video. You can also rent or purchase the film on DVD or Blu-ray.
- How to watch Weathering With You
- Weathering With You streaming
- Watch Weathering With You online
- Weathering With You Netflix
- Weathering With You Hulu
- Weathering With You Amazon Prime Video
- Weathering With You DVD
- Weathering With You Blu-ray
- Weathering With You Makoto Shinkai
- Weathering With You romance
- Weathering With You fantasy
Weathering With You is a beautiful and heartwarming film that is sure to leave a lasting impression. If you're looking for a great animated movie to watch, I highly recommend checking it out.