Death Note is a popular Japanese manga series that was adapted into an anime series, a live-action film, and a light novel series. The series follows the story of Light Yagami, a high school student who finds a notebook that allows him to kill anyone whose name he writes in it. Light uses the notebook to kill criminals, but he soon finds himself caught up in a battle of wits with a mysterious detective known as L.
The Death Note series is available to watch in a number of different ways. Here are some of the options:
- Netflix: Netflix has the entire Death Note anime series available to stream.
- Crunchyroll: Crunchyroll also has the entire Death Note anime series available to stream.
- Hulu: Hulu has the live-action Death Note film available to stream.
- Amazon Prime Video: Amazon Prime Video has the live-action Death Note film and the Death Note: Light Up the New World film available to stream.
- YouTube: The Death Note anime series is also available to watch on YouTube.
Death Note is a popular and critically acclaimed series that is available to watch in a number of different ways. Whether you prefer to watch the anime series, the live-action film, or both, you are sure to enjoy this dark and suspenseful story.
- Death Note
- how to watch Death Note
- Death Note anime
- Death Note live-action film
- Death Note Netflix
- Death Note Crunchyroll
- Death Note Hulu
- Death Note Amazon Prime Video
- Death Note YouTube