Adin Hill: The Rising Star of the Vegas Golden Knights

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Adin Hill: The Rising Star of the Vegas Golden Knights

Adin Hill is a young goaltender who is quickly making a name for himself in the NHL. The 27-year-old from Comox, British Columbia, was drafted by the Arizona Coyotes in the third round of the 2015 NHL Draft. He spent parts of five seasons with the Coyotes before being traded to the San Jose Sharks in July 2021. After one season with the Sharks, Hill was traded to the Vegas Golden Knights in August 2022.

In his first season with the Golden Knights, Hill had a breakout year. He went 16-7-1 with a 2.50 goals-against average and a .915 save percentage. He set career highs in games played (27), starts (25), and victories. He also had the third-best GAA in a single season in Golden Knights history.

Hill is a big, athletic goaltender who is very good at reading the play and making quick saves. He is also very good at controlling rebounds. Hill is still young and developing, but he has the potential to be a star goaltender in the NHL.

Here are some of Adin Hill's career highlights:

  • Helped Canada win the 2021 IIHF World Championship
  • Led the Western Hockey League in save percentage in 2014-15
  • Set NHL career highs in games played (27), starts (25), and victories in 2022-23
  • Had the third-best GAA in a single season in Golden Knights history in 2022-23

Here are some of Adin Hill's strengths as a goaltender:

  • Big, athletic goaltender
  • Good at reading the play and making quick saves
  • Good at controlling rebounds

Here are some of Adin Hill's areas for improvement:

  • Can sometimes be inconsistent
  • Needs to work on his conditioning
  • Needs to improve his rebound control

Overall, Adin Hill is a young, talented goaltender with a lot of potential. He has the ability to be a star in the NHL for many years to come.

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