Sugar Time!
Sugar Time! was a short-lived sitcom that aired on NBC from 1977 to 1978. The show followed the lives of three aspiring female rock musicians: Maxx Douglass (Barbi Benton), Maggie Barton (Marianne Black), and Diane Zuckerman (Didi Carr). The three women work as hatcheck girls, dental hygienists, and dance instructors during the day, and then they come together at night to form the band Sugar.
The show was created by James Komack, who also created the sitcoms Welcome Back, Kotter and The Odd Couple. Sugar Time! was a light-hearted comedy that focused on the challenges of being a female rock musician in the 1970s. The show was also known for its catchy theme song, "Girls, Girls, Girls," which was performed by the cast.
Sugar Time! only lasted for one season, but it has since become a cult classic. The show is praised for its positive portrayal of female musicians, and it is also considered to be a forerunner of the modern female empowerment movement.
How to watch Sugar Time!
Sugar Time! is currently available to stream on Amazon Prime Video and YouTube TV. The show is also available for purchase on DVD.
Here are some additional details about Sugar Time!:
- The show was filmed in Los Angeles.
- The show was produced by James Komack Productions.
- The show's theme song was written by John Sebastian.
- The show's executive producer was James Komack.
- The show's director was James Komack.
- The show's cast included Barbi Benton, Marianne Black, and Didi Carr.
- The show's running time was 30 minutes per episode.
- The show aired on NBC from 1977 to 1978.
- The show was canceled after one season.
- The show has since become a cult classic.
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