Heavenly Delusion: A Post-Apocalyptic Tale of Hope and Survival
Heavenly Delusion is a Japanese anime television series that premiered in April 2023. The series is set in a post-apocalyptic world where dangerous monsters roam the land. In this world, a group of young survivors band together to search for a place called Heaven, each for their own reasons.
The story follows two main characters, Maru and Kiruko. Maru is a young boy who grew up in a safe haven called the Nursery. The Nursery is a place where children are raised in peace and protected from the dangers of the outside world. However, Maru always felt like something was missing from his life. He longed to see the world beyond the Nursery walls.
Kiruko is a young girl who grew up in the outside world. She is a survivor of the apocalypse and has seen firsthand the cruelty of the world. She is determined to find Heaven, a place where she can finally find peace and happiness.
Maru and Kiruko's paths cross when they both set out to find Heaven. Along the way, they meet a group of other survivors who are also searching for a better place. Together, they must face the dangers of the outside world and overcome their own personal demons in order to find the hope and salvation they seek.
Heavenly Delusion is a dark and gritty anime that explores the themes of hope, survival, and redemption. The series is beautifully animated and features a strong cast of characters. If you are a fan of post-apocalyptic anime, then Heavenly Delusion is definitely worth checking out.
Here are some additional details about the anime:
- The series is directed by Hirotaka Mori and produced by Production I.G.
- The opening theme song is "Innocent Arrogance" by Bish, while the ending theme song is "Daremo Karemo Dokomo Nanimo Shiranai" by Asobi.
- The series is currently streaming on Crunchyroll and Funimation.
Here are some reviews from critics and fans:
- "Heavenly Delusion is a dark and atmospheric anime that will stay with you long after you've finished watching it." - Anime News Network
- "A must-watch for fans of post-apocalyptic anime." - IGN
- "A powerful and moving story about hope, survival, and redemption." - Kotaku
If you are looking for a dark and gritty anime that will stay with you long after you've finished watching it, then Heavenly Delusion is definitely worth checking out.