Deception: An Immersive Crime Drama


Deception: An Immersive Crime Drama

Deception is a crime drama television series that aired on ABC from March 11 to May 27, 2018. The series follows Cameron Black, a world-renowned magician who is forced to work with the FBI after his career is ruined by a scandal. Black uses his skills of deception to help the FBI solve crimes, and in the process, he must learn to trust his new team and use his magic for good.

The series stars Jack Cutmore-Scott as Cameron Black, Ilfenesh Hadera as Special Agent Kay Daniels, and Lenora Crichlow as Special Agent Julia Nolan. Deception was created by Chris Fedak and produced by Berlanti Productions and Warner Bros. Television.

How to Watch Deception

Deception is currently available to stream on Hulu and Amazon Prime Video. The series is also available to purchase on DVD and Blu-ray.

What to Expect from Deception

Deception is a fast-paced, suspenseful crime drama with a touch of magic. The series is full of twists and turns, and it will keep you guessing until the very end. If you're a fan of crime dramas or magic, then you'll definitely want to check out Deception.

Here are some of the things you can expect from the show:

  • Gripping crime stories: Deception is full of suspenseful and exciting crime stories that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
  • Amazing magic tricks: The show features some amazing magic tricks that will amaze and astound you.
  • Great characters: The show has a great cast of characters, including Cameron Black, a world-renowned magician who is forced to work with the FBI after his career is ruined by a scandal.
  • A unique premise: Deception has a unique premise that sets it apart from other crime dramas.

If you're looking for a new crime drama to watch, then you should definitely check out Deception. It's a fast-paced, suspenseful show with a touch of magic that will keep you entertained from beginning to end.