Animal Control: A New Comedy About the Funny Side of Animal Shelters
Animal Control is a new comedy TV show that premiered on Fox on February 16, 2023. The show follows the lives of a group of animal control workers who are tasked with rescuing and rehabilitating animals. The show is full of humor and heart, and it provides a unique look into the world of animal shelters.
The show is created by Bob Fisher, Rob Greenberg, and Dan Sterling, and it stars Joel McHale, Vella Lovell, and Ravi Patel. McHale plays the role of Jake, the head of the animal control department. Lovell plays the role of Amy, Jake's assistant. Patel plays the role of Ravi, a new animal control worker who is fresh out of college.
The show has received positive reviews from critics and audiences alike. The show has been praised for its humor, its heart, and its positive portrayal of animal shelters. Animal Control is a must-watch for fans of comedy, animals, and heartwarming stories.
Here are some of the things that make Animal Control a great show:
- The humor is on point. The show is full of witty jokes and hilarious situations.
- The heart is there. The show does not shy away from the serious issues that animal shelters face, but it also celebrates the joy and love that animals can bring into our lives.
- The characters are relatable. The characters in Animal Control are all flawed and relatable, which makes them easy to root for.
If you are looking for a new comedy to watch, I highly recommend Animal Control. It is a funny, heartwarming, and important show that everyone should see.
Here are some additional details about the show:
- Animal Control is a 30-minute sitcom.
- The show is produced by Roughhouse Productions, Middletown News, Wow a Fox, and Fox Entertainment Studios.
- The show is filmed in Vancouver, British Columbia.
- The show has been renewed for a second season.
I hope you enjoy Animal Control!